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intelligent eForms

Intelligent eForms are an easy-to-use 'self-serve' secure online solution for completing forms. Embedded logic minimizes human errors, eliminates duplicate keystroking and ensures forms are completed correctly. It reduces administration expenses, improves accuracy and document control, while offering improved workflow and a better user experience.


  • New Client Onboarding: Users can select one or more applications to create a forms package. The user only enters information once, and the information is pre-populated automatically to specific areas across multiple forms. Preview forms at any time and save work to date. 


  • Existing Client: The client visits a secure password protected portal to complete forms that can be pre-populated with known information, or a company representative can enter additional information and send an eNotification for the client to complete. When the client submits completed forms, the representative receives eNotification. 


  • User Level Access: Administrative users can add/delete users, assign access levels and manage branch structure to track usage by individual user (e.g. representative, client). Access levels can vary from basic viewing, form in process, history of completed forms, to adding new forms.


  • Tracking & History: Users can access and view their documents in process, recently completed and history for compliance purposes.


  • Form Design: Our form consultants can analyze your existing documents and offer recommendations to improve the gathering of information and delivering a better overall user experience.

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